The current COVID-19 lockdown is obviously having a huge impact on everyone's life in New Zealand at the moment. Join us for a game of 'Welcome To...' over the next few weeks. All you need is a few minutes per day.
'Welcome To...' is super easy to learn. Each player has a sheet of paper showing three rows of houses. Everyone plays at the same time. Each turn, three cards will be revealed, and you will choose one of them to add to your sheet. Check out the video below to learn how to play, then check out the links below to get the score sheet.
All you need is a score sheet and a pencil per player. If you own the game already, just use one of your sheets. Otherwise, there are three downloads below to choose from (you will only need one of these options):
The Editable sheet is a PDF (courtesy of BGG user Dobey) you can save to your PC and 'write' on electronically.
The Colour printable sheet is exactly what comes with the game.
The Low Ink sheet works the same as the Colour one, saving printer ink (thanks to BGG user moonpost).
There are also apps you can use on both the Android and iOS stores. We recommend you take a screenshot every few days, in case your app loses your progress.
Twice a day (8am and 8pm) we will post the new cards, both here and on our Facebook page. We keep playing until someone triggers the end of the game (we will explain how that works as we go). Then we all report our scores, and see who wins!
Come and join in with one of our games!
Game One is in 'beginner mode', and has lots of help along the way. Perfect if you are just learning!
Game Two is in 'advanced mode' - recommended for when you have already played the beginner game.