The current COVID-19 lockdown is obviously having a huge impact on everyone's life in New Zealand at the moment. Join us for a game of 'Welcome To...' over the next few weeks. All you need is a few minutes per day.
Twice a day (8am and 8pm) we will post the new cards, both here and on our Facebook page. We keep playing until someone triggers the end of the game (we will explain how that works as we go). Then we all report our scores, and see who wins!
Head over to our 'Learn To Play' page to find out how to play, and to get yourself a copy of the score sheet you will need.
This is our second game, so there will be less rules explanations than the first time around. If you haven't played before, it is recommended you go over Game One first.
This time around we are moving from 'beginner' rules to 'advanced' - but there is really only one new rule: Roundabouts, which we will explain tomorrow. Two of the City Plan scoring cards are slightly more complicated, but nothing too scary. So let's jump right in - here is TURN ONE!
Here we go with Turn 2, and an explanation of the new rule: ROUNDABOUTS! Placing a Roundabout is a very powerful OPTIONAL move you can do twice per game.
You place the Roundabout AS WELL AS your regular move for that turn!
You get 2 FREE FENCES with it!
It breaks your street in two, giving you all new numbering options!
Really great for getting you out of trouble if you get stuck, BUT there are minus points associated with it. Any questions? Just ask!
And here is Turn 3. It is still not too late to join in, even if you didn't play the first game! Check out our learn to play page, and you can work through game #1 by yourself as a practice before joining this one. I have added a bit more detail on the City Plans and how they work together. I wonder how long it will be until someone uses one of their Roundabouts?
Turn 4! (Posted a bit late again, will try and get back on track for 8am/8pm). After Turn 3, Juliet and I have independently made the exact same moves. Same numbers, in the same positions. Weird! I wonder how many other people have 4/5/10 in the same street after Turn 3?
Welcome to Turn 5! These cards are randomised using an actual shuffled deck, we actually have the physical game set up here at home and are flipping cards each turn before we make these images. Interesting to see how many numbers have been repeated in just 5 turns! We've had three 10s, three 7s, two 15s, two 4s and two 8s. Remember that the numbers and special powers don't all have the same chance of coming up!
Time for Turn 6! Have you gone for different names for your neighbourhoods this time around?
Here we go with Turn 7. Two things to keep in mind: #1 - remember to let us know when you achieve any of the City Plans, and #2 - placing a Roundabout is an additional FREE action that you can make any time, before or after your main turn.
Time for Turn 8! We have had a player claim City Plan 2 on Turn 7, so they have got the 10 points. Don't worry, anyone else can still complete Plan 2, for the 5 points.
Turn 9 - how is your neighbourhood coming along? The order the cards come out in this game makes such as difference. Juliet and I played a game with objectives very similar to this the other night, and it seemed like we had way too many fences. By the end of the game, we were both taking cards with fences and just choosing not to place them (remember, the bonus power is always optional). But this game, I have just placed my very first fence!
Some high numbers for Turn 10! A couple of people got City Plan #3 last turn for the 7 points, so anyone completing it from this point on gets 3 points. Please still tell us when you get a City Plan, as it helps us keep track of where everyone is up to.
Here we go with Turn 11! I have completed City Plan #2, so five points for me. Remember that you can see what bonus powers are going to be coming next turn by looking at the corners of the number cards. Looks like next turn is nothing but fences!
Here we go for Turn 12 - I hope you want some fences!
Time for Turn 13! City Plan #1 is still up for grabs - I wonder who will claim it first? Spoiler alert: it won't be me!
Turn 14. Sometimes just the right card comes up at the right time - I am very happy to see that 2+Pool!
Turn 15 is here! I've had quite a few questions on how the City Plans work with each other, so I have posted the image again here which hopefully explains it all. But as always, feel free to ask if you have any questions!
Time for Turn 16, on what is hopefully our last weekend at Level 4 lockdown.
Time for Turn 17... I wonder when someone will fill in that whole bottom street to claim Plan 1?
Turn 18... I have had some really tough decisions to make with these last couple of turns - not sure if I have made the best calls!
Turn 19, and someone has now claimed City Plan #1 - so that is all of them claimed. Remember, the game ends when a player either (A) scores all 3 Plans, (B) is unable to move 3 times or (C) has placed all their houses. So far four people have indicated they have completed two Plans.
Here is Turn 20! Remember that if you use the 4 with the Temp Agency, to cross out a Temp Agency diamond whether or not you alter the number.
Time for Turn 21! After seeing some recent comments from some of our players, we are getting VERY close to the end of the game. If this horrifies you - you are not alone! If you complete all 3 City Plans, please let us know ASAP, and include a pic of your neighbourhood.
So that is definitely GAME OVER after Turn 21. At least 5 people have completed their 3rd City Plan. I can't wait to see what the scores are this time around - but first we need to work out who gets points for the Temp Agency bonus. Let us know how many of the Temp Agency diamonds you crossed off, even if it is zero.
OK - time to calculate our scores! We have heard back from you all on how many Temp Agencies you used, so we can now continue with the final scoring. If you crossed out 3 Temp Agency diamonds, you get 7 points in that section. Four points for 2, and one point for 1. Check out the image above for a reminder on how to calculate your score. This is my neighbourhood - Upper Lockton. Send through your score (and a pic of your neigbourhood if you can) via direct message, then we will announce the winner once they are all in. One quick note on Estates: Only size 1 to 6 are worth any points. Any bigger, you get nothing!
And here we have the final scores for Game 2! I am really surprised by the range of scores here - I expected us all to be much closer with this game. I am way down the list, I wasn't even first in my own bubble! So congratulations to Tabby for winning the game! Interestingly, Tabby didn't complete a single City Plan, but Raewyn (in 2nd place by one point) completed all 3 of them!